27. June 2019

On Thursday, June 27, 2019, we supported our cooperation partners euro-tel and fleetbay at their first business breakfast this year at the Technology Center Koblenz (TZK). The topic was new products and innovations around the Telematic solutions of fleetbay & TomTom.

The physical well-being as a good start for the day was well taken care of, in a relaxed expert round we informed interested driver organisation managers without obligation about the latest possibilities, innovations and improvements.

Since June 2018, MD Software & Design has been cooperating with euro-tel as a development and integration partner specializing in integrating mobile telematic solutions into new and existing service and cloud solutions. The company euro-tel was founded in 1990 the owner Winfried Kordel in Emmelshausen. Over the years, the company developed from a pure mobile phone retailer into an independent service provider for telecommunication and telematic solutions. euro-tel is your contact in all areas of telecommunication and telematic. Through cooperation with network operators and all major hardware manufacturers, euro-tel offers optimal support from project planning and design to the installation and acquisition of mobile solutions.

The first mobile solutions for TOMTOM PRO Driver terminals distributed by euro-tel were already distributed in the second quarter of 2018, e.g.:
Driver's license check with automatic due date monitoring and digital tachometer.

Regular proof whether drivers still have a valid driver's license is required by law for company vehicles. This is particularly important in commercial radio parking operations and in the logistics and transport sector.

With the digital driver's license check, fleet operators are now on the safe side and save on tedious administrative work at the same time. The app independently queries all required information and simultaneously checks for completeness. Paperwork and overdue certificates are now a thing of the past.

Functions in detail:

  • Guided self-explanatory app for a driver's license check in the shortest possible time fully digital legally compliant recording of all required driver and driver's license data
  • Login either via name/password or RFID chip recognition
  • Fully automatic monitoring of due dates
  • Fully automatic reminder and control management (due date control, execution control, initial and recurring reminders to drivers, notification to dispatcher/administration if overdue)
  • Guided self-explanatory app for a driver's license check in the shortest possible time fully digital legally compliant recording of all required driver and driver's license data
  • DSVGO-compliant, one-to-one data capture, audit-proof data backup

Supports the following TomTom devices:

  • TomTom Pro-8275
  • TomTom Pro-8275 Truck

Supported TomTom backend systems:

  • TomTom Webfleet

Company contact
MD Software & Design
Olga Shershneva
Henri-Spaak-Straße 176
53347 Alfter
Tel.: +49 228 96105310
Fax: +49 228 6420981
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Internet: www.md-softwaredesign.de

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