A central user administration that not only integrates all MD programs and services, but also flexibly creates individual profiles and adapts the MD service landscape to your needs.

Less effort, more efficiency: For administrators and users in the company

A multitude of programs and applications are an indispensable part of everyday work. Most of them require individual user profiles and thus specially protected accesses. Sphinx thoroughly clears up the resulting multiplication of effort and the resulting confusion of passwords and usernames. With Sphinx, Single Sign On has become a reality in the MD service world.

Integrated service of the Acheron Framework

Sphinx equips the user with a profile that allows him access - with a single user ID - in all required programs. The user administration allows individual profiles, in which the different access rights, but also respectively desired language versions are merged. Sphinx also offers the possibility of presenting the same content to different clients of an application in the respective customized design.

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MD Helpdesk