Hydra creates the central interface for your B2B processes. Where high-end quality is needed for data exchange between different IT worlds, Hydra comes into play.

In addition, Hydra enables central access to the Acheron Framework from MD Software & Design.

Success factor: Integration of IT processes

It is a truism of the digital age. When merging the business processes of two or more companies, mapping them in the respective IT worlds represents a decisive cost and success factor. After all, it is not only the quality and performance of the existing processes that are decisive, but also the reliability and efficiency of the new, integrated process.

The whole is more than the sum of its parts

Hydra answers a core requirement for merging heterogeneous IT architectures at the highest performance level. Hydra is thus predestined as an IT solution for the implementation of B2B processes. As a central interface to the Acheron framework, Hydra "understands" the most diverse software worlds and securely integrates them into common, new composite processes.

A company that uses Hydra thus creates a powerful basis for the integration of different business processes - regardless of whether they originate from different divisions and business areas of the company itself or relate to processes and services of external companies.

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