Iris is the reporting platform from MD Software & Design, which creates order in the variety of your evaluations and statistics. Iris is open to the software you use and easy to integrate into your processes.

In this way, results from different departments, locations can be compared across company boundaries if required, and are available for exchange - at last.

Integrated reporting: Global and comprehensive

The same figures and values are often used in companies for various statistics and evaluations. However, different questions lead to different results - simultaneously and side by side. As a consequence, reporting loses profile and relevance. In short, little result for a lot of effort.

High quality solution for flexible use

Iris is a generic reporting platform. Due to the standardization of the input and output interfaces, it is possible to integrate Iris into your system environment with little effort or to operate it independently in parallel. The tool does not only collect the evaluations and statistics. It also enables you to create individual single reports for employees, departments or partners and suppliers. The regular, automated dispatch of these reports is included.

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