Scriptor opens up new dimensions in software development and maintenance for developers and administrators.

Scriptor masters the challenge of centrally storing and managing log events from different applications or services in a distributed software landscape. With the help of a standardized interface, Scriptor provides both developers and administrators with a single point of access to all relevant data and process flows.

High-end solution: Complex and heterogeneous

The growing complexity of IT architectures (SOA) and distributed services is accompanied by increasing demands on the reliability and security of the processes operated. This requires continuous monitoring of the systems and their performance - because every failure, every data loss can lead to a cost-related disaster and sometimes can also cause serious damage to the company's image.

Reporting for IT professionals

Scriptor has been designed and developed from the ground up to meet these key requirements. Capturing technical services and cross-process logging are core functionalities of Scriptor.

Troubleshooting is reduced to a fraction of the time that would normally be spent trying to track down the error or problem by traditional means.

Scriptor is therefore recommended for use in particularly complex and heterogeneous IT architectures.

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