Supplier of workshop software for trade and commerce around the automotive industry

More than 20 years of experience with the processes in automotive trade and retail with a focus on the car body and paint trade have made KSR EDV-Ingenieurbüro GmbH the leading independent full-service EDP provider in the industry. With modern, seamlessly interlocking EDP systems, KSR optimizes customer processes with customized operational solutions for each of your processes - from order acceptance to repair or service to controlling.

MD Software & Design hat in einem gemeinsamen Projekt das Produktportfolio KSR EDV-Ingenieurbüro GmbH um die mobile App Doc2KSR erweitert. In Zukunft sind die Service- und Werkstattpartner in der Lage nahtlos Dokumente über eine Android oder iOS Applikation zu erfassen und in die bestehenden Systemlösungen KSR - VCS einzuspielen.

In a joint project, MD Software & Design has expanded the KSR EDV-Ingenieurbüro GmbH product portfolio with the Doc2KSR mobile app. In the future, service and workshop partners will be able to seamlessly capture documents via an Android or iOS application and import them into the existing KSR - VCS system solutions.


  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Prototyping
  • Implementation
  • SaaS & Hosting


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